Differential Equations: Cracking 1st order and degree

Amazing Maze Garden / Enjoy a Walk in the Garden Maze

Mazes are a very accurate representation of the process that goes behind solving differential equations. When initially experimenting with them, without any prior knowledge, they may seem impossible. However, when provided with a bird's eye view of the layout, the process suddenly seems simple. And with practice, it becomes easier and quicker to reach the final destination. This description is most applicable for first order, linear differential equations, a set of differential equations of the simplest kind.

How do you solve 1st order, linear differential equations? 

A first order, linear differential equation has an order and degree of 1 [refer to previous posts for clarification]. It can also be represented in the following form:


In order to solve this set of differential equations, a particular series of steps must be followed:
  1. Rearrange the differential equation to the form shown above
  2. Substitute 𝑦 as a product of 2 functions called 𝑢 and 𝑣, altering 𝑑𝑦/𝑑𝑥 as well
  3. Factor out the parts involving 𝑣 and equate this new expression to 0
  4. Use separation of variables and integration to find 𝑢
  5. Substitute this value into the equation of step 2
  6. Use that to find the 𝑣, and then use 𝑢 and 𝑣 to find the final solution 𝑦
Obviously, this process sounds severely vague and complicated. Hence, this process will be applied to an easy example below: [If the slides appear to be unclear, refer to the presentation using the link provided at the end of this post]

The case above was a classic first order linear differential equation. Each step is crucial in obtaining the final result and even a tiny error can have huge repercussions. This method is fairly complicated, yet it is special since it works for the entire set of first order, linear differential equations. In general, differential equations do not have such a direct, elegant method. Learn more about differential equations through this oversimplified presentation.


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