Special Relativity: An Introduction




Special relativity is one of the most widely known theories in physics, being the solid foundation or bedrock for physics that drastically revolutionizes our understanding of the universe. While special relativity does not require more than basic high-school knowledge, a majority of people fail to fully grasp the intricacies of special relativity.

The theory of special relativity is a universally accepted theory, originally proposed by Albert Einstein on 26th September 1905. It lays down the fundamental relationship between space and time, as both come woven together to form the fabric of space-time. With this fundamental idea in mind, special relativity accurately predicts the results of travelling at high, relativistic speeds (close to the speed of light- 3 * 10^8 m/s)


Special theory derives its name from its limitation; special really means restricted, since special relativity restricts itself to scenarios that omit gravitation. This is because gravitation has the ability to warp the fabric of space-time, which would invalidate the results of special relativity.


Special Relativity is only based on 2 postulates, which are straightforward and elementary. However, the consequences and implications of special relativity are what make the theory stand out in the world of physics. Learn special relativity in its entirety through this oversimplified presentation.


  1. I love how you explain everything in such a simple way


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