General Relativity: An Introduction

General relativity is one of the most notable theories in physics, with the potential to explain most of the phenomena we encounter in our universe. In fact, general relativity has even been part of the theory scientists have been yearning for: the theory of everything (TOE). Unlike special relativity, which can be understood with high-school math, general relativity can get very complicated with its differential equations.


General relativity is the currently accepted geometric theory, originally proposed by Albert Einstein in 1915. It lays down the fundamental relationship of gravity being a property of space and time, or better, spacetime. Contrary to special relativity, which simplifies its propositions by omitting gravity, general relativity encompasses how the curvature of space-time is directly related to the energy and momentum of any radiation and matter present.

This One Puzzle Brought Physicists From Special To General Relativity

General Relativity has some unusual, yet fascinating concept have similarities and differences with special relativity in some areas. These consequences have remarkably pinpointed the answers to a vast number of questions we had about the universe. Learn more about general relativity through this oversimplified presentation.


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